The History of Philosophy Society

The History of Philosophy Society (HOPS) was established to support and encourage scholarship on the history of philosophy from diverse perspectives. We welcome the richness of multiple approaches to the history of philosophy, as well as various traditions (Africana, American, Asian, Caribbean, European, Latin American, etc.). HOPS provides a forum for various interpretive methods, including, but not limited to, analytical, deconstructive, feminist, hermeneutic, phenomenological, and pragmatist interpretations of texts and philosophers from antiquity through the 19th Century.

2025 Annual Conference Call for Papers: Beauty

27-29 March 2025 at Utah Valley University

Beauty has remained a major theme in the history of European-Western philosophy at least since the Greeks. Many non-Western traditions also feature their own complex treatments of beauty: Indian rasa aesthetics, Japanese wabi (“austere beauty”), Navajo hózhq (“beau- ty, perfection, harmony, order”), and so on. Indeed, the possible universality of beauty across cultures is itself a contentious issue. In professional philosophy, beauty’s fortunes have ebbed and flowed. It has been counted among the greatest values alongside truth and goodness, dismissed as frivolous, sidelined from discussions in aes- thetics, and charged with contributions to injustice (for example, in debates on unequal or racist or consumerist beauty standards). These variations on the theme sug- gest its malleability. Is beauty a timeless expression of harmony or a mode of perception conditioned by social and cultural norms? We welcome papers on beauty and its many iterations throughout the history of philosophy.

Keynotes: Massimiliano Tomba (University of California, Santa Cruz) + TBA

Send submissions as an email attachment to no later than January 6, 2025. Submissions should consist of the full paper (35 minutes of reading time, approx. 5000 words) prepared for anonymous review.
